Understanding Concurrency and Parallelism – Concurrency: Part I

Understanding Concurrency and Parallelism

There is an important distinction between the concept of parallelism and concurrency when it comes to code execution.

Parallel code execution implies simultaneous execution of instructions on different CPU cores. Concurrent execution is a more general idea that does not necessarily imply that the code of different threads is actually executed in parallel. It is possible to create more threads than the CPU cores can execute in parallel, which will cause threads to take turns at sharing time slices on the CPU cores. This means that sometimes the threads are running in parallel and sometimes it only feels like they are because they compete for time slices to execute on a limited number of CPU cores. In other words, concurrent execution gives an illusion of parallel execution.

The JVM is not the only process on the computer that requires CPU time. The operating system and other tasks also share CPU time, making it impossible to predict how much CPU time is allocated and when a thread will get to run, or if any given set of code will be executed in parallel at all. These factors have very important consequences:

  1. Execution of code in different threads is unpredictable.
  2. A thread that started earlier may or may not complete its work sooner than the thread that started later, even if it has less work to do.
  3. Any attempt to control exact execution order will very likely impact performance and may result in all sorts of unwanted side effects, which will be discussed later in this chapter.

The following analogy can be helpful in understanding concurrent code execution:

Imagine that a CPU core is a road and a thread is a car. It would be rather inefficient to build a separate road for every car. Furthermore, one would expect a road to be shared by many cars, which helps to explain why multithreading makes much more efficient use of computer resources. However, even though a given road is shared among many cars, it does not mean that two cars can occupy the same spot on that road at the same time—that is quite obviously an undesirable situation. So cars have to take turns and yield to one another to be able to share the same road, very much like threads have to share a CPU core. It may feel like the cars are using a given road in parallel, but strictly speaking they are actually doing it concurrently. Finally, there is no guarantee that the car that started its journey earlier will get to where it wants to go sooner or later than another car, considering unpredictable circumstances such as being stuck in traffic. This is similar to a concurrent thread that may have to wait for a CPU time slice, if the CPU time has to be shared with many other threads and tasks on the computer. An attempt to control the exact execution order, to ensure that a certain thread gets priority, can be compared to stopping all traffic to yield to an ambulance or a police car—while they get priority, everyone else is stopped, causing overall performance to degrade. It may be tolerable for extraordinary cases, but it would be a traffic disaster if the policy for using the road was to prioritize each and every car on the road. This means that it is best to embrace the stochastic nature of concurrent code execution and try not to control the exact execution order, or at least only do it in exceptional cases.

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